Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Draft Goals

The following outlines the seven themes and the draft goals that support each of the themes. As work on the project continues it is expected the goals may be refined, however the intent is to remain. The goals are meant to be general in nature and will allow for the development of specific actions that support these goals.

Theme: Livable Built Environment

Creating an attractive community by effectively integrating daily activities – residence, work, education, culture and leisure – into a high quality and diverse environment.

Goal: Plan for responsible growth and the creation of safe, authentic, and complete neighborhoods;

Goal: Promote, protect, and build quality housing that meets the needs of the community including range of incomes, housing types, locations, and needs;

Goal: Encourage appropriate redevelopment and new development; and,

Goal: Preserve and create park and public open space that celebrates the community’s heritage, cultures, history, and active lifestyle.

Theme: Connected

Developing a safe and efficient multi-modal transportation network to support future generations’ health and mobility needs, enhance economic vibrancy, and improve local and regional connectivity

Goal: Advocate for and participate in initiatives to improve regional connectivity across multiple transportation modes including air, water, and road;

Goal: Develop a safe, convenient, and linked multi-modal transportation network to neighborhoods, destinations, and services;

Goal: Create a street network that facilitates all modes of transportation in a safe and efficient manner, year-round; and,

Goal: Maintain and expand reliable internet connectivity to facilitate activities and economic opportunities.

Theme: Thriving, Stable, and Sustainable Economy

Proactively planning for and adapting to economic cycles and industries that continue to change and evolve.

Goal: Continue to expand upon Valdez’s core industries and status as a premier port community;

Goal: Pursue a diverse and self-reliant local economy through working with local industries, workforce, education systems, entrepreneurs, and businesses to retain and attract businesses and residents who want to work and live in Valdez, year-round;

Goal: Promote the community as a year-round visitor and recreation destination while effectively balancing the benefits; and,

Goal: Develop and attract the professional, technical, skilled, entrepreneurial, and creative labor force that supports Valdez’s economy.

Theme: Healthy Living

Incorporating health, services, and vibrant activity centers (active living, arts and culture, health and human services, and education) to lay the groundwork for generations to come. 

Goal: Support safe, equitable, and convenient access to services including healthcare, education, childcare, wellness, and social support;

Goal: Foster inclusivity and equity through recognizing and addressing issues of cultural, racial, socioeconomic diversity, and accessibility; and,

Goal: Encourage community health and wellness through providing quality parks and recreation facilities, and a variety of amenities and programs to lead active lifestyles, year-round.

Theme: Environmental Stewardship

Responsibly using and protecting the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices.

Goal: Identify, protect, and develop management strategies for the community’s natural resources, critical habitats, and subsistence and recreation lands that can be maintained for current and future generations;

Goal: Minimize the community’s impact on the environment and public health from pollution, hazardous materials, storm water, sewage, and solid waste; and,

Goal: Promote responsible and efficient use of resources and materials including energy consumption, waste reduction, disposal, and recycling.

Theme: Adaptable and Resilient

Responding to, adapting, and growing under changing conditions and disruptive threats related to natural or human-caused hazard events including pandemics.

Goal: Plan for and reduce the community’s vulnerability from extreme weather events and natural hazards including landslides, flooding, avalanches, earthquakes, tsunamis, significant precipitation, and other events;

Goal: Plan for and adapt to impacts and opportunities related to climate change to create long term community resiliency;

Goal: Prepare for natural and manmade disasters to minimize impacts to Valdez’s health and welfare, economy, services, and the built environment; and,

Goal: Assist in developing strategies, programs, and infrastructure that promote community self-sufficiency and independence.

Theme: Collaborative, Accountable, and Transparent

Engaging with community stakeholders, communicating clearly about how and why land use decisions are made and reporting back using performance metrics on the impact planning decisions are having on implementing the vision for the community.

Goal: Provide clarity, accountability, and transparency related to the development of policies, decision making, and public involvement, including effective communication with the public; and,

Goal: Foster equity in planning policies, procedures, and plan development by creating an inclusive, predictable, and engaging environment where the public’s input is valued.