Wednesday, November 3, 2021

City Council Passes Resolution 21-44 and Adoption of the Valdez Comprehensive Plan Revision

At Tuesday's City Council meeting, City staff and the planning team presented the Draft Final Comprehensive Plan Revision as part of Resolution 21-44, the adoption of Plan Valdez. Following the presentation, both Council members and the public were invited to comment, ask questions, and provide input. After discussions, the Council passed the resolution without revisions to the draft final plan, thereby adopting the plan as submitted.

Despite the many challenges of COVID-19, the planning team would like to thank the City of Valdez for their flexibility and dedication in the development of the plan. We would also like to thank the community of Valdez, City Council (current and past), Comprehensive Planning Advisory Committee, Planning and Zoning Commission and other City Boards and Commissions, Focus Group participants, Planning Department and other City Departments, and all who provided input in the development of this plan.