Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Project Introduction

The City of Valdez is in the process of updating the Valdez Comprehensive Plan, last updated in 2008. PLAN VALDEZ is a comprehensive plan revision that will guide future growth and development through zoning, capital investments, land use planning, and transportation. It offers a foundation for determining effective public policy, planning, and land use decisions now and into the future. The revised plan will include an overall vision that is broken down into goals, objectives, and implementation strategies, creating an ongoing framework for informed, directed development and decision making.

A community vision is the backbone of a Comprehensive Plan, identifying the priorities and values of the residents of Valdez. The planning team will work with members of the community to develop the vision while identifying new trends and challenges for growth and change into the 21st century. The community vision will provide the framework for developing short- and long-term planning strategies while continuing to safeguard the City's history and sense of place.

The City of Valdez has contracted Corvus Design, partnering with Kittelson & Associates, Rain Coast Data, SALT, PND Engineers, ECI, planner Gordon Smith, and Corvus Culture, to develop the Valdez Comprehensive Plan Revision.