Please join us when we host our first Online Community Meeting on Thursday, July 23 @ 6pm. This will be a Zoom meeting. We will be introducing the Comprehensive Plan Revision and talking about what your role as the public will be in seeing PLAN VALDEZ come to life. There will be a presentation by Corvus Design, Rain Coast Data, and Kittelson & Associates reviewing the demographics and trends of Valdez, and what opportunities the comprehensive plan can build on. A mediator will be involved to collect public input during the meeting and there will be time at the end of the meeting for questions and answers, provide a more in-depth discussion, and to get additional feedback from the community.
The meeting will be recorded and posted on this website to allow viewing of the video recorded meeting and allow the public to provide input for two weeks after the live event. If you are unable to attend or watch the recorded meeting and participate afterwards, you can contact the Planning Department at 907.834.3401 to receive a paper copy of the meeting materials.
We will be posting the link and call in number for the Zoom online meeting 72 hours prior to the meeting on this website.